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For /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-search.pl
  Run on Tue Oct 15 11:58:52 2013
Reported on Tue Oct 15 12:01:46 2013

StatementsExecuted 41 statements in 156µs
Calls P F Exclusive
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
# spent 148µs (94+54) within Template::Document::__ANON__[/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/prog/en-NZ/includes/resort_form.inc:48] which was called: # once (94µs+54µs) by Template::Document::process at line 151 of Template/Document.pm
<option value="relevance">Relevance</option>
2<optgroup label="Popularity">
3[% IF ( sort_by == "popularity_dsc" ) %] <option value="popularity_dsc" selected="selected">Popularity (most to least)</option>[% ELSE %] <option value="popularity_dsc">Popularity (most to least)</option>
4210µs14µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "popularity_asc" ) %] <option value="popularity_asc" selected="selected">Popularity (least to most)</option>[% ELSE %] <option value="popularity_asc">Popularity (least to most)</option>
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
529µs13µs[% END %] </optgroup>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
6<optgroup label="Author">
721µs[% IF ( sort_by == "author_az" || sort_by == "author_asc" ) %] <option value="author_az" selected="selected">Author (A-Z)</option>
8[% ELSE %] <option value="author_az">Author (A-Z)</option>
9214µs26µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "author_za" || sort_by == "author_dsc" ) %] <option value="author_za" selected="selected">Author (Z-A)</option>
# spent 6µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
10[% ELSE %] <option value="author_za">Author (Z-A)</option>
11314µs26µs[% END %] </optgroup>
# spent 6µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
121500ns<optgroup label="Call Number">
13[% IF ( sort_by == "call_number_asc" ) %] <option value="call_number_asc" selected="selected">Call number (0-9 to A-Z)</option>
14[% ELSE %] <option value="call_number_asc">Call number (0-9 to A-Z)</option>
1528µs13µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "call_number_dsc" ) %] <option value="call_number_dsc" selected="selected">Call number (Z-A to 9-0)</option>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
161300ns[% ELSE %] <option value="call_number_dsc">Call number (Z-A to 9-0)</option>
1728µs13µs[% END %] </optgroup>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
181600ns<optgroup label="Dates">
19[% IF ( sort_by == "pubdate_dsc" ) %] <option value="pubdate_dsc" selected="selected">Publication/Copyright date: Newest to oldest</option>
20[% ELSE %] <option value="pubdate_dsc">Publication/Copyright date: Newest to oldest</option>
2127µs13µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "pubdate_asc" ) %] <option value="pubdate_asc" selected="selected">Publication/Copyright date: Oldest to newest</option>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
221500ns[% ELSE %] <option value="pubdate_asc">Publication/Copyright date: Oldest to newest</option>
2328µs13µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "acqdate_dsc" ) %] <option value="acqdate_dsc" selected="selected">Acquisition date: Newest to oldest</option>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
241500ns[% ELSE %] <option value="acqdate_dsc">Acquisition date: Newest to oldest</option>
2527µs13µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "acqdate_asc" ) %] <option value="acqdate_asc" selected="selected">Acquisition date: Oldest to newest</option>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
26[% ELSE %] <option value="acqdate_asc">Acquisition date: Oldest to newest</option>
2727µs13µs[% END %] </optgroup>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
281200ns<optgroup label="Title">
29[% IF ( sort_by == "title_az" || sort_by == "title_asc" ) %] <option value="title_az" selected="selected">Title (A-Z)</option>
301200ns[% ELSE %] <option value="title_az">Title (A-Z)</option>
31213µs26µs[% END %] [% IF ( sort_by == "title_za" || sort_by == "title_dsc" ) %] <option value="title_za" selected="selected">Title (Z-A)</option>
# spent 6µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
321400ns[% ELSE %] <option value="title_za">Title (Z-A)</option>
33222µs26µs[% END %] </optgroup>
# spent 6µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
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