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For /usr/share/koha/opac/cgi-bin/opac/opac-search.pl
  Run on Tue Oct 15 11:58:52 2013
Reported on Tue Oct 15 12:01:08 2013

StatementsExecuted 3032 statements in 25.1ms
Calls P F Exclusive
Call graph for these subroutines as a Graphviz dot language file.
Line State
on line
Calls Time
in subs
# spent 322ms (11.9+310) within Template::Document::__ANON__[/usr/share/koha/opac/htdocs/opac-tmpl/prog/en-NZ/modules/opac-results.tt:541] which was called: # once (11.9ms+310ms) by Template::Document::process at line 151 of Template/Document.pm
[% SET TagsShowEnabled = ( TagsEnabled && TagsShowOnList ) %] [% SET TagsInputEnabled = ( opacuserlogin && TagsEnabled && TagsInputOnList ) %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-open.inc' %] [% IF ( LibraryNameTitle ) %][% LibraryNameTitle %][% ELSE %]Koha online[% END %] catalogue &rsaquo; [% IF ( searchdesc ) %] Results of search [% IF ( query_desc ) %]for '[% query_desc | html%]'[% END %][% IF ( limit_desc ) %]&nbsp;with limit(s):&nbsp;'[% limit_desc | html %]'[% END %] [% ELSE %] You did not specify any search criteria. [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'doc-head-close.inc' %] <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="[% LibraryName |html %] Search RSS Feed" href="[% OPACBaseURL %]/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?[% query_cgi |html %][% limit_cgi |html %]&amp;count=[% countrss |html %]&amp;sort_by=acqdate_dsc&amp;format=rss2" />
# spent 53.1ms making 2 calls to Template::Context::include, avg 26.5ms/call # spent 70µs making 11 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 6µs/call # spent 9µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 5µs/call # spent 8µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::set, avg 4µs/call
278µs[% IF ( OpacStarRatings == 'all' ) %]<script type="text/javascript" src="[% themelang %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.rating.js"></script>
3722µs27µs<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[% themelang %]/css/jquery.rating.css" />[% END %] <script type="text/javascript" src="[% themelang %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.checkboxes.min.js"></script>
# spent 7µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
4714µs13µs[% IF ( OpacHighlightedWords ) %]<script type="text/javascript" src="[% themelang %]/lib/jquery/plugins/jquery.highlight-3.js"></script>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
5728µs6150µs[% END %]<script type="text/javascript">
# spent 147µs making 5 calls to Template::Context::filter, avg 29µs/call # spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
733µs[% IF ( opacuserlogin ) %][% IF ( RequestOnOpac ) %]
8658µs643µsfunction holdMultiple() {
# spent 40µs making 5 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 8µs/call # spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
9 var checkedBiblioNums = ""; // Separated by "/"
10514µs5138µs var checkedCount = 0;
# spent 138µs making 5 calls to Template::Filters::html_filter, avg 28µs/call
11 if(document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length > 0) {
12 for (var i=0; i < document.bookbag_form.biblionumber.length; i++) {
1344µs if (document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].checked) {
14 checkedBiblioNums += (document.bookbag_form.biblionumber[i].value + "/");
15 checkedCount++;
1612µs }
17 }
18 }
20 if (checkedCount > 0) {
21 holdBiblioNums(checkedBiblioNums);
2211µs } else {
24 }
27function holdBiblioNums(numList) {
28 // numList: biblio numbers separated by "/"
29 $("#hold_form_biblios").attr("value", numList);
30 $("#hold_form").submit();
31114µs26µs}[% END %][% END %]
# spent 6µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
33[% IF ( TagsInputEnabled && loggedinusername ) %]
34function tagSelected() {
35 var checkedBoxes = $(".searchresults :checkbox:checked");
36 if ($(checkedBoxes).size() == 0) {
371700ns alert(MSG_NO_RECORD_SELECTED);
38 } else {
39 $("#tagsel_tag").hide();
40 $("#sort_by").hide();
41 $("#tagsel_form").show();
42 }
45function tagCanceled() {
46 $("#tagsel_form").hide();
47 $("#tagsel_tag").show();
48 $("#sort_by").show();
49 $("#tagsel_new").val("");
50 $("#tagsel_status, .tagstatus").empty().hide();
53function tagAdded() {
54 var checkedBoxes = $(".searchresults :checkbox:checked");
55 if ($(checkedBoxes).size() == 0) {
57 return false;
58 }
60 var tag = $("#tagsel_new").val();
61 if (!tag || (tag == "")) {
63 return false;
64 }
66 var bibs = [];
67 for (var i = 0; i < $(checkedBoxes).size(); i++) {
68 var box = $(checkedBoxes).get(i);
69 bibs[i] = $(box).val();
70 }
72 KOHA.Tags.add_multitags_button(bibs, tag);
73 return false;
7417µs13µs}[% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
75[% IF ( OpacHighlightedWords ) %]
76var q_array = new Array(); // holds search terms if available
781700nsfunction highlightOff() {
79 $("td").removeHighlight();
80 $(".highlight_toggle").toggle();
82function highlightOn() {
83 var x;
84 for (x in q_array) {
85 if ( q_array[x].length > 0 ) {
86 $(".title").highlight(q_array[x]);
87 $(".author").highlight(q_array[x]);
88 $(".results_summary").highlight(q_array[x]);
89 }
90 }
91 $(".highlight_toggle").toggle();
9318µs13µs[% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
95 [% IF ( OpacHighlightedWords ) %]
96 $('a.title').each(function() {
9711µs $(this).attr("href", $(this).attr("href") + "&query_desc=[% query_desc | uri %]");
98 });
99215µs13µs [% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
10113µs116µs [% IF ( IDreamBooksResults ) %]
# spent 16µs making 1 call to Template::Context::filter
102 $('.idbresult').each(function() {
103 var isbn = $(this).children('a').text().replace(/\s*/,'');
10418µs14µs var element = this;
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
10613µs1423µs if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) >= 8 && window.XDomainRequest) {
# spent 423µs making 1 call to Template::Filters::uri_filter
107 // Use Microsoft XDR for IE version 8 or above
108 var xdr = new XDomainRequest();
1091900ns xdr.open("get", "http://idreambooks.com/newbooks/api.json?q="+encodeURIComponent(isbn)+"&key=8bf66516232d1b72f3e47df939653e1e");
110 xdr.onload = function() {
111 json = 'json = '+xdr.responseText; // the string now looks like.. json = { ... };
11211µs eval(json); // json is now a regular JSON object
113 if(json.total_results > 0 && json.book.rating > 0){
114 $(element).children('a').html("<img src='"+json.book.to_read_or_not_small+"' alt='"+json.book.title+" by "+json.book.author+"' title='Rating based on reviews of "+json.book.title+"'>"+json.book.rating+"%");
115 $(element).show();
116 } else {
117 $(element).remove();
118 }
119 }
120 xdr.send();
121 } else {
122 $.getJSON("http://idreambooks.com/newbooks/api.json?q="+encodeURIComponent(isbn)+"&key=8bf66516232d1b72f3e47df939653e1e", function(json){
123 if(json.total_results > 0 && json.book.rating > 0){
124 $(element).children('a').html("<img src='"+json.book.to_read_or_not_small+"' alt='"+json.book.title+" by "+json.book.author+"' title='Rating based on reviews of "+json.book.title+"'>"+json.book.rating+"%");
125 $(element).show();
126 } else {
127 $(element).remove();
128 }
129 });
130 }
131 });
132112µs17µs [% END %]
# spent 7µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
13418µs14µs [% IF ( opacbookbag ) %]$(".addtocart").show();[% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
1361900ns[% IF ( opacbookbag ) %]
137 [% IF ( virtualshelves ) %]
1381800ns var param1 = "<label for=\"addto\">"+_("Add to: ")+"<\/label><select name=\"addto\" id=\"addto\"><option value=\"\"><\/option>";
139 [% IF ( opacbookbag ) %] param1 += "<option value=\"addtocart\">"+_("Cart")+"<\/option>";
14018µs13µs [% END %][% IF ( virtualshelves ) %][% IF ( loggedinusername ) %][% IF ( addbarshelves ) %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
141 param1 += "<optgroup label=\""+_("Your lists:")+"\">";[% FOREACH addbarshelvesloo IN addbarshelvesloop %]
142 param1 += "<option id=\"s[% addbarshelvesloo.shelfnumber %]\" value=\"addtolist\">[% addbarshelvesloo.shelfname |html %]<\/option>";[% END %]
143 param1 += "<\/optgroup>";[% END %]
144 [% IF ( addpubshelves ) %]param1 += "<optgroup label=\""+_("Public lists:")+"\">"[% FOREACH addpubshelvesloo IN addpubshelvesloop %]+"<option id=\"s[% addpubshelvesloo.shelfnumber %]\" value=\"addtolist\">[% addpubshelvesloo.shelfname |html %]<\/option>"[% END %];
145 param1 += "<\/optgroup>";[% END %]
146 [% IF (( addbarshelvesloop && addbarshelvesloop.size>9) || (addpubshelvesloop && addpubshelvesloop.size>9 )) %]
147 param1 += "<option value=\"morelists\">[ "+_("More lists")+" ]<\/option>";
148 [% END %]
149 param1 += "<option value=\"newlist\">[ "+_("New list")+" ]<\/option>";
150110µs217µs [% END %]
# spent 13µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
15118µs13µs [% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
152 param1 += "<\/select> <input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\""+_("Save")+"\" />";
153 [% ELSE %]
154 var param1 = "<a id=\"addto\" class=\"addtocart\" href=\"#\">" + _("Add to cart") + "<\/a>";
15529µs13µs [% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
15611µs[% ELSE %]
157 var param1 = "<label for=\"addto\">"+_("Add to list: ")+"<\/label><select name=\"addto\" id=\"addto\"><option value=\"\"><\/option>";
15811µs[% IF ( virtualshelves ) %][% IF ( loggedinusername ) %][% IF ( addbarshelves ) %]
159 param1 += "<optgroup label=\""+_("Your lists:")+"\">";[% FOREACH addbarshelvesloo IN addbarshelvesloop %]
160 param1 += "<option id=\"s[% addbarshelvesloo.shelfnumber %]\" value=\"addtolist\">[% addbarshelvesloo.shelfname |html %]<\/option>";[% END %]
161 param1 += "<\/optgroup>";[% END %]
162 [% IF ( addpubshelves ) %]param1 += "<optgroup label=\""+_("Public lists:")+"\">"[% FOREACH addpubshelvesloo IN addpubshelvesloop %]+"<option id=\"s[% addpubshelvesloo.shelfnumber %]\" value=\"addtolist\">[% addpubshelvesloo.shelfname |html %]<\/option>"[% END %][% END %]
163 param1 +="<\/optgroup><option value=\"newlist\">[ "+_("New list")+" ]<\/option>"
16411µs [% END %]
165 [% END %]
166 param1 += "<\/select> <input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit\" value=\""+_("Save")+"\" />";
16718µs13µs[% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
169 $('#sortsubmit').hide();
170 $('#sort_by').change(function() {
171 $('#bookbag_form').submit();
172 });
173 $("span.clearall").html("<a id=\"CheckNone\" href=\"#\">"+_("Clear all")+"<\/a>");
174 $("span.checkall").html("<a id=\"CheckAll\" href=\"#\">"+_("Select all")+"<\/a>");
175110µs14µs[% IF ( opacbookbag ) %]$("span.addto").html(param1);[% ELSE %][% IF ( virtualshelves ) %][% IF ( loggedinusername ) %]$("span.addto").html(param1);[% END %][% END %][% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
176[% IF ( opacbookbag || virtualshelves ) %]
177 [% IF ( virtualshelves ) %]
178 $("#addto").change(function(){
179 cartList();
180 });
181 $(".addto").find("input:submit").click(function(){
182 cartList();
1831700ns return false;
184 });
185 [% ELSE %]
186 $("#addto").click(function(){
187 cartList();
188 return false;
189 });
19018µs13µs [% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
19119µs13µs[% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
193 function cartList(){
194 if($("#addto").find("option:selected").attr("value") == "addtolist"){
19512µs var shelfnumber = $("#addto").find("option:selected").attr("id").replace("s","");
196 if (vShelfAdd()) {
1971600ns Dopop('/cgi-bin/koha/opac-addbybiblionumber.pl?selectedshelf='+shelfnumber+'&' + vShelfAdd());
198 }
199 return false;
20012µs } else if($("#addto").find("option:selected").attr("value") == "newlist"){
201 [% IF ( loggedinusername ) %]if (vShelfAdd()) {
202 Dopop('/cgi-bin/koha/opac-addbybiblionumber.pl?newshelf=1&' + vShelfAdd());
203110µs213µs }[% ELSE %] alert(_("You must be logged in to create or add to lists")); [% END %]
# spent 10µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
204 return false;
205 } else if($("#addto").find("option:selected").attr("value") == "morelists"){
206 [% IF ( loggedinusername ) %]if (vShelfAdd()) {
20711µs Dopop('/cgi-bin/koha/opac-addbybiblionumber.pl?' + vShelfAdd());
20819µs212µs }[% ELSE %] alert(_("You must be logged in to create or add to lists")); [% END %]
# spent 10µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 2µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
209 return false;
2101800ns }
211 if($("#addto").find("option:selected").attr("value") == "addtocart" || $("#addto").attr("class") == "addtocart"){
21211µs addMultiple();
213 return false;
214 }
21511µs }
216 $("#CheckAll").click(function(){
217 $("#bookbag_form").checkCheckboxes();
218 return false;
219 });
220 $("#CheckNone").click(function(){
221 $("#bookbag_form").unCheckCheckboxes();
222 return false;
223 });
224[% IF ( RequestOnOpac ) %]
225 [% IF ( opacuserlogin ) %]
226 [% IF ( DisplayMultiPlaceHold ) %]
227 $("#placehold").html("<input class=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" value=\""+_("Place reserve")+"\"/>");
228 $("#placehold").find("input:submit").click(function(){
229 holdMultiple();
230 return false;
231 });
23219µs14µs [% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
233151µs146µs [% END %]
# spent 46µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
23429µs14µs[% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
2351600ns $("#holdDetails").hide();
237[% IF ( query_desc ) %][% IF ( OpacHighlightedWords ) %]var query_desc = "[% query_desc |replace("'", "\'") |replace('\n', '\\n') |replace('\r', '\\r') |html %]";
238 q_array = query_desc.split(" ");
23922µs // ensure that we don't have "" at the end of the array, which can
24012µs // break the highlighter
24114µs118µs while (q_array.length > 0 && q_array[q_array.length-1] == "") {
# spent 18µs making 1 call to Template::Context::filter
2421900ns q_array = q_array.splice(0,-1);
243 }
244 highlightOn();
245 $("#highlight_toggle_on" ).hide().click(function() {highlightOn() ;});
246316µs27µs $("#highlight_toggle_off").show().click(function() {highlightOff();});[% END %][% END %]
# spent 7µs making 2 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 3µs/call
24815µs135µs[% IF ( TagsInputEnabled && loggedinusername ) %]
# spent 35µs making 1 call to Template::Context::filter
249 $("#tagsel_tag").click(function(){
250 tagSelected();
251 return false;
252 });
25312µs $("#tagsel_cancel").click(function(){
25411µs tagCanceled();
25514µs122µs return false;
# spent 22µs making 1 call to Template::Context::filter
256 });
257 $("#tagsel_button").click(function(){
258 tagAdded();
259 return false;
26012µs });
26214µs121µs $(".tag_add").click(function(){
# spent 21µs making 1 call to Template::Context::filter
263 var thisid = $(this).attr("id");
264 thisid = thisid.replace("tag_add","");
265126µs114µs $(this).hide();
# spent 14µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
266 $("#tagform"+thisid).show();
267111µs138µs $("#newtag"+thisid).focus();
268 $("#newtag"+thisid+"_status").empty().hide();
269 return false;
270 });
27116µs116µs $(".cancel_tag_add").click(function(){
272 var thisid = $(this).attr("id");
273 thisid = thisid.replace("cancel","");
274 $("#tagform"+thisid).hide();
27514µs110µs $("#tag_add"+thisid).show();
276 $("#newtag"+thisid).val("");
277 $("#newtag"+thisid+"_status").empty().hide();
278 return false;
27912µs112µs });
# spent 12µs making 1 call to Template::Filters::html_filter
280 $(".tagbutton").click(function(){
281 var thisid = $(this).attr("title");
28212µs var tag = $("#newtag"+thisid).val();
283 if (!tag || (tag == "")) {
285 return false;
286 }
2871900ns KOHA.Tags.add_tag_button(thisid, tag);
288 return false;
289 });
290113µs17µs[% END %]
# spent 7µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
29118µs14µs [% IF OpenLibraryCovers %]KOHA.OpenLibrary.GetCoverFromIsbn();[% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
292114µs14µs [% IF OPACLocalCoverImages %]KOHA.LocalCover.GetCoverFromBibnumber(false);[% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
29318µs14µs [% IF ( GoogleJackets ) %]KOHA.Google.GetCoverFromIsbn();[% END %]
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
29514µs[% IF ( DidYouMean ) %]
2961700ns $("#didyoumean").load("/cgi-bin/koha/svc/suggestion?render=stub&q=[% querystring |uri %]",
2971900ns function() {
298 $(".searchsuggestion").parent().parent().css({
299 "border-color": "#F4ECBE",
300 "background-color": "#FFFBEA"
301 });
302 });
30318µs13µs[% END %]
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
310<body id="results">
311210µs13µs [% IF ( opacfacets ) %]<div id="doc3" class="yui-t1">[% ELSE %]<div id="doc3" class="yui-t7">[% END %] <div id="bd">
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
313126µs189.7ms[% INCLUDE 'masthead.inc' %] <div id="yui-main">
# spent 89.7ms making 1 call to Template::Context::include
31412µs <div class="yui-b">
315 <div id="userresults" class="container">
316 [% IF ( DidYouMean ) %] <div id="didyoumean">Not what you expected? Check for <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/svc/suggestion?render=standalone&amp;q=[% querystring |uri %]">suggestions</a></div>
317255µs225.0ms [% END %] <div id="top-pages">[% INCLUDE 'page-numbers.inc' %]</div>
# spent 25.0ms making 1 call to Template::Context::include # spent 7µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
31824µs [% IF ( koha_spsuggest ) %] Did you mean: <ul style="list-style: none;">
320 <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=[% SPELL_SUGGES.spsuggestion %]">[% SPELL_SUGGES.spsuggestion %]</a>
321 </li>
322 [% END %] </ul>
323131µs251µs[% END %] [% IF ( query_error ) %] <div class="dialog alert">
# spent 43µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 8µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
324 <h4>Error:</h4>
325 [% query_error %] </div>
326114µs219µs[% END %]
# spent 15µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
328<!-- Search Results Table -->
32911µs[% IF ( total ) %]
330[% IF ( scan ) %]
33111µs <h1>Scan index:</h1>
332 <form action="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl" method="get">
333 <table>
33412µs <tr>
335 <td>
336 Scan index for: <input type="text" name="q" id="scan-index" size="35" value="" />
337 </td>
338 </tr>
339 <tr>
340 <td>
341 <label for="scan-index">Indexed in:</label>
342 <select name="idx" id="scan-index">
343 <option value="">Any word</option>
344 <option value="kw,phr:">Any phrase</option>
345 <option value="ti:">Title</option>
346 <option value="ti,phr:">Title phrase</option>
347 <option value="au,phr:">Author</option>
348 <option value="su:">Subject</option>
349 <option value="su,phr:">Subject phrase</option>
350 <option value="se:">Series</option>
351 <option value="pb:">Publisher</option>
352 <option value="nt:">Notes</option>
353 <option value="se:">Series Title</option>
354 <option value="sn:">ISBN</option>
355 <option value="ss:">ISSN</option>
356 </select>
357 <input type="hidden" name="scan" value="1" />
358 </td>
359 </tr>
360 </table>
361 </form>
363 <form action="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl" method="get">
364 <table>
365 <tr>
366 <th>Term/Phrase</th>
367 <th>Count</th>
368 </tr>
369 [% FOREACH SEARCH_RESULT IN SEARCH_RESULTS %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.even ) %] <tr class="highlight">
370 [% ELSE %] <tr>
371 [% END %] <td>
372 <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=[% SEARCH_RESULT.scan_use |url %]&quot;[% SEARCH_RESULT.title |url %]&quot;">[% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.title ) %][% SEARCH_RESULT.title |html %][% ELSE %]No title[% END %]</a>
373 </td>
374 <td>
375 [% SEARCH_RESULT.author %] </td>
376 </tr>
377 [% END %] </table>
378 </form>
379[% ELSE %] <div class="searchresults">
380 <form action="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl" method="get" name="bookbag_form" id="bookbag_form">
381 [% IF ( searchdesc ) %] [% FOREACH QUERY_INPUT IN QUERY_INPUTS %] <input type="hidden" name="[% QUERY_INPUT.input_name |html %]" value="[% QUERY_INPUT.input_value |html %]"/>
382 [% END %] [% FOREACH LIMIT_INPUT IN LIMIT_INPUTS %] <input type="hidden" name="[% LIMIT_INPUT.input_name |html %]" value="[% LIMIT_INPUT.input_value |html %]"/>
38347µs [% END %]
384625µs228µs [% END %]
# spent 21µs making 1 call to Template::Iterator::AUTOLOAD # spent 7µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
# spent 81µs making 4 calls to Template::Context::filter, avg 20µs/call # spent 8µs making 1 call to Template::Iterator::AUTOLOAD
386219µs18µs <!-- TABLE RESULTS START -->
# spent 8µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
387124µs233µs <table>
# spent 27µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 6µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
3885127µs537µs <tr><td colspan="6" class="resultscontrol">
# spent 35µs making 4 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 9µs/call # spent 2µs making 1 call to UNIVERSAL::isa
389440µs325.4ms <div class="resort"> <select id="sort_by" name="sort_by"> [% INCLUDE 'resort_form.inc' %] </select> <input type="submit" class="submit clearfix" id="sortsubmit" value="Go" /></div>
# spent 25.3ms making 1 call to Template::Context::include # spent 57µs making 1 call to Template::Config::iterator # spent 1µs making 1 call to UNIVERSAL::isa
390618µs5116µs <div class="cartlist">
# spent 83µs making 4 calls to Template::Filters::html_filter, avg 21µs/call # spent 33µs making 1 call to Template::Config::iterator
391 <!-- checkall, clearall are now needed for placehold -->
392 <span class="checkall"></span>
39359µs123µs <span class="clearall"></span>
# spent 23µs making 1 call to Template::Iterator::get_first
394534µs552µs [% IF ( OpacHighlightedWords ) %] <a href="#" class="highlight_toggle" id="highlight_toggle_off">Unhighlight</a>
# spent 30µs making 2 calls to Template::Iterator::get_next, avg 15µs/call # spent 15µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Iterator::get_first # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
395330µs29µs <a href="#" class="highlight_toggle" id="highlight_toggle_on">Highlight</a>
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::set
396330µs29µs [% END %] [% IF ( opacbookbag || virtualshelves ) %] <span class="addto"></span>
# spent 5µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::set
397440µs219µs [% END %] <span id="placehold"><!-- input class="submit" type="submit" value="Place Hold"/ --></span>
# spent 16µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::set # spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
398514µs14µs <div id="holdDetails"></div>
# spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::set
400315µs [% IF ( TagsInputEnabled && loggedinusername ) %] <span id="tagsel_span">
40126µs <input id="tagsel_tag" class="submit" type="submit" value="Tag"/>
402 </span>
40312µs <span id="tagsel_form" style="display:none">
4041900ns <label for="tagsel_new">New tag:</label>
405 <input name="tagsel_new" id="tagsel_new" maxlength="100" />
406 <input id="tagsel_button" name="tagsel_button" class="input tagsel_button" title="Add" type="submit" value="Add" />
40711µs <a href="#" id="tagsel_cancel">(done)</a>
408 </span>
409 <span id="tagsel_status" class="tagsel_tatus" style="display:none;">
410 Tag status here. </span>
41118µs13µs [% END %] </div>
# spent 3µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
413 </td></tr>
414 <!-- Actual Search Results -->
416 [% UNLESS ( loop.odd ) %]
417 <tr class="highlight">
418 [% ELSE %] <tr>
4191252.57ms1501.93ms [% END %] <td class="select selectcol">[% IF ( opacbookbag ) %]<input type="checkbox" id="bib[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" name="biblionumber" value="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" /> <label for="bib[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]"></label>[% ELSE %] [% IF ( virtualshelves ) %]<input type="checkbox" id="bib[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" name="biblionumber" value="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" /> <label for="bib[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]"></label>[% ELSE %] [% IF ( RequestOnOpac ) %][% UNLESS ( SEARCH_RESULT.norequests ) %][% IF ( opacuserlogin ) %]<input type="checkbox" id="bib[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" name="biblionumber" value="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" /> <label for="bib[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]"></label>[% END %][% END %][% END %][% END %][% END %]</td>
# spent 1.81ms making 125 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 14µs/call # spent 119µs making 25 calls to Template::Iterator::odd, avg 5µs/call
420150884µs50400µs <td class="select selectcol">[% UNLESS suppress_result_number %][% SEARCH_RESULT.result_number %].[% END %]</td>
# spent 400µs making 50 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 8µs/call
422 [% IF !item_level_itypes || BiblioItemtypeImage == 'Koha' %] [% UNLESS ( noItemTypeImages ) %] <td class="itypecol">
4231372µs [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.imageurl ) %] <img src="[% SEARCH_RESULT.imageurl %]" title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.description %]" alt="[% SEARCH_RESULT.description %]" />
4242524µs [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.score_avg ) %] <img src="[% themelang %]/../images/bonus.png" title="bonus" style="max-height: 35px;"/>
425 [% END %] </td>
42650615µs50352µs [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( AuthorisedValueImages ) %] <td class="itypecol">
# spent 352µs making 50 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 7µs/call
427 [% FOREACH authorised_value_image IN SEARCH_RESULT.authorised_value_images %] [% IF ( authorised_value_image.imageurl ) %] <img src="[% authorised_value_image.imageurl %]" alt="[% authorised_value_image.label %]" title="[% authorised_value_image.label %]">
428 [% END %] [% END %] </td>
42925370µs50704µs [% END %] <td>
# spent 509µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 20µs/call # spent 195µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 8µs/call
430 [% IF ( COinSinOPACResults ) %]
4312522µs [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.coins ) %]
43225569µs25258µs <!-- COinS / Openurl --><span class="Z3988" title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.coins %]"></span>
# spent 258µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 10µs/call
4331001.38ms75726µs [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( OPACXSLTResultsDisplay ) %] [% SEARCH_RESULT.XSLTResultsRecord %] [% ELSE %] [% IF ( BiblioDefaultViewmarc ) %]<a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-MARCdetail.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber |url %]" title="View details for this title">
# spent 726µs making 75 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 10µs/call
43410088µs [% ELSE %] [% IF ( BiblioDefaultViewisbd ) %]<a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-ISBDdetail.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber |url %]" title="View details for this title">
435 [% ELSE %]<a class="title" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber |url %]" title="View details for this title">
4362519µs [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.title ) %][% SEARCH_RESULT.title |html %][% ELSE %]No title[% END %] [% FOREACH subtitl IN SEARCH_RESULT.subtitle %], [% subtitl.subfield|html %][% END %]</a>
437 [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.author ) %]by <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=au:[% SEARCH_RESULT.author |url %]" title="Search for works by this author" class="author">[% SEARCH_RESULT.author %]</a>
438 [% ELSE %]&nbsp; [% END %] <span class="results_summary publisher"><span class="label">Publication:</span>
4392526µs [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.place ) %][% SEARCH_RESULT.place %] [% END %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.publishercode ) %][% SEARCH_RESULT.publishercode|html %][% END %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.publicationyear ) %] [% SEARCH_RESULT.publicationyear %] [% ELSE %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.copyrightdate ) %] [% SEARCH_RESULT.copyrightdate %][% END %][% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.pages ) %]. [% SEARCH_RESULT.pages %][% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.notes ) %], [% SEARCH_RESULT.notes|html %][% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.size ) %] [% SEARCH_RESULT.size %][% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.timestamp ) %] <i>(modified on [% SEARCH_RESULT.timestamp %])</i>[% END %] </span>
440 [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.summary ) %] <span class="result_summary">
441 [% SEARCH_RESULT.summary %] </span>
442 [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.copyrightdate ) %]<span class="results_summary date"><span class="label">Date:</span>[% SEARCH_RESULT.copyrightdate %]</span>[% END %] <span class="results_summary availability">
443 <span class="label">Availability:</span>
4442530µs [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.available_items_loop.size() ) %] <span class="available"><strong>Copies available:</strong>
445 [% FOREACH available_items_loo IN SEARCH_RESULT.available_items_loop %] [% IF available_items_loo.this_branch %]<span class="highlight-row-results">[% ELSE %]<span>[% END %] [% IF ( singleBranchMode ) %] [% available_items_loo.location %] [% ELSE %] [% available_items_loo.branchname %] [% END %] [% IF ( OPACItemsResultsDisplay ) %] [% UNLESS ( singleBranchMode ) %][% available_items_loo.location %][% END %] [% IF ( available_items_loo.itemcallnumber ) %][<a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=callnum:[% available_items_loo.itemcallnumber |url %]">[% available_items_loo.itemcallnumber %]</a>][% END %] [% END %] ([% available_items_loo.count %]), </span>
446 [% END %] </span>
447 [% ELSE %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.ALTERNATEHOLDINGS ) %] [% FOREACH ALTERNATEHOLDING IN SEARCH_RESULT.ALTERNATEHOLDINGS %] &nbsp;<span id="alternateholdings">[% ALTERNATEHOLDING.holding %]</span>, [% END %] [% ELSE %] <span class="unavailable">No items available:</span>
448 [% END %] [% END %] <span class="unavailable">
449 [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.onloancount ) %] Issued ([% SEARCH_RESULT.onloancount %]), [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.wthdrawncount ) %] Withdrawn ([% SEARCH_RESULT.wthdrawncount %]), [% END %] [% UNLESS ( SEARCH_RESULT.hidelostitems ) %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.itemlostcount ) %] Lost ([% SEARCH_RESULT.itemlostcount %]),[% END %][% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.damagedcount ) %] Damaged ([% SEARCH_RESULT.damagedcount %]),[% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.orderedcount ) %] On order ([% SEARCH_RESULT.orderedcount %]),[% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.onholdcount ) %] On reserve ([% SEARCH_RESULT.onholdcount %]),[% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.intransitcount ) %] In transit ([% SEARCH_RESULT.intransitcount %]),[% END %] </span>
450 </span>
45125368µs25220µs [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.score_avg ) %] <span class="result_summary">
# spent 220µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 9µs/call
4522513µs <img src="[% themelang %]/../images/Star[% SEARCH_RESULT.score_int %].gif" title="" style="max-height: 15px;"/> <span style="font-size: 85%;">[% SEARCH_RESULT.score_avg %] / 5 (on [% SEARCH_RESULT.num_scores %] rates)</span>
453 [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.num_critics ) %] <span class="social_data">[% SEARCH_RESULT.num_critics %] Internet user critics</span>
454 [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.num_critics_pro ) %] <span class="social_data">[% SEARCH_RESULT.num_critics_pro %] Professional critics</span>
455 [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.num_videos ) %] <span class="social_data">[% SEARCH_RESULT.num_videos %] Video extracts</span>
4562516µs [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.num_quotations ) %] <span class="social_data">[% SEARCH_RESULT.num_quotations %] Quotations</span>
457 [% END %] </span>
458501.05ms1001.53ms [% END %] [% IF ( LibraryThingForLibrariesID ) %]<div class="ltfl_reviews"></div>[% END %] [% IF ( TagsShowEnabled ) %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.TagLoop.size ) %] <div class="results_summary tags"><span class="label">Tags:</span>
# spent 1.22ms making 50 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 24µs/call # spent 310µs making 50 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 6µs/call
459 <ul style="display: inline; list-style: none;">[% FOREACH TagLoo IN SEARCH_RESULT.TagLoop %]<li style="display: inline; list-style: none;"><a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?tag=[% TagLoo.term |url %]&amp;q=[% TagLoo.term |url %]">[% TagLoo.term %]</a> <span class="weight">([% TagLoo.weight_total %])</span></li>
460 [% END %] </ul>
461 </div>
4621001.64ms1001.51ms [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.searchhighlightblob ) %]<span class="results_summary"><span class="label">Match:</span> [% SEARCH_RESULT.searchhighlightblob %]</span>[% END %] [% IF ( OpacStarRatings == 'all' ) %] <div class="results_summary ratings">
# spent 1.35ms making 75 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 18µs/call # spent 163µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 7µs/call
464[% FOREACH i IN [ 1 2 3 4 5 ] %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.rating_avg == i ) %] <input class="star" type="radio" name="rating-[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" value="[% i %]" checked="checked" disabled="disabled" />
465[% ELSE %] <input class="star" type="radio" name="rating-[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" value="[% i %]" disabled="disabled" />
4662534µs[% END %] [% END %] <input type="hidden" name="biblionumber" value="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" />
467 <input type="hidden" name="loggedinuser" value="[% loggedinuser %]" />
469 [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.rating_total ) > 0 %] <span id="rating_total_[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]">&nbsp;&nbsp;([% SEARCH_RESULT.rating_total %] votes)</span>
470 [% ELSE %] <br />
471 [% END %] </div>
47225337µs25206µs [% END %] <span class="results_summary actions"><span class="label">Actions:</span>
# spent 206µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 8µs/call
47350538µs25308µs [% IF ( RequestOnOpac ) %] [% UNLESS ( SEARCH_RESULT.norequests ) %] [% IF ( opacuserlogin ) %] [% IF ( AllowOnShelfHolds ) %] <a class="hold" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-reserve.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]">Place reserve</a><!-- add back when available 0 holds in queue-->
# spent 308µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 12µs/call
4742539µs [% ELSE %]
475 [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.itemsissued ) %]
4762512µs <a class="hold" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-reserve.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]">Place reserve</a><!-- add back when available 0 holds in queue-->
477 [% END %]
47825248µs25127µs [% END %]
# spent 127µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 5µs/call
47975381µs25172µs [% END %]
# spent 172µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 7µs/call
48050662µs50816µs [% END %]
# spent 666µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 27µs/call # spent 150µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 6µs/call
48150300µs25156µs [% END %]
# spent 156µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 6µs/call
4832515µs [% IF ( TagsInputEnabled ) %]
484 [% IF ( loggedinusername ) %]
485 <a class="tag_add" id="tag_add[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" href="#">Add tag</a>
4862515µs <span id="tagform[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" class="tag_results_input" style="display:none;">
487 <label for="newtag[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]">New tag(s), separated by a comma:</label>
488 <input name="newtag[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" id="newtag[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" maxlength="100" />
4892516µs <input name="tagbutton" class="tagbutton" title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" type="submit" value="Add" />
490 <a class="cancel_tag_add" id="cancel[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" href="#">(done)</a>
491 </span>
4922518µs <span id="newtag[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]_status" class="tagstatus" style="display:none;">
493 Tag status here. </span>
494 [% ELSIF ( loop.first ) %]<span id="login4tags">Log in to add tags.</span>
49525258µs25145µs [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( opacuserlogin ) %][% IF ( loggedinusername ) %][% IF ( virtualshelves ) %]<a class="addtoshelf" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-addbybiblionumber.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" onclick="Dopop('opac-addbybiblionumber.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]'); return false;">Save to Lists</a>
# spent 145µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 6µs/call
49650717µs75862µs [% END %][% END %][% END %] [% IF ( opacbookbag ) %] [% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.incart ) %] <a class="addtocart cart[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" href="#" onclick="addRecord('[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]'); return false;">In your cart</a> <a class="cartRemove cartR[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" href="#" onclick="delSingleRecord('[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]'); return false;">(remove)</a>
# spent 705µs making 50 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 14µs/call # spent 156µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 6µs/call
4971001.76ms100981µs [% ELSE %] <a class="addtocart cart[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" href="#" onclick="addRecord('[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]'); return false;">Add to cart</a> <a style="display:none;" class="cartRemove cartR[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" href="#" onclick="delSingleRecord('[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]'); return false;">(remove)</a>
# spent 981µs making 100 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 10µs/call
4981501.12ms751.01ms [% END %] [% END %] </span>
# spent 861µs making 50 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 17µs/call # spent 147µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 6µs/call
4992518µs </td><td>
50050439µs25215µs <a class="p1" href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]">
# spent 215µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 9µs/call
5011752.96ms1753.61ms [% IF ( OPACLocalCoverImages ) %]<span title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber |url %]" class="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" id="local-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"></span>[% END %] [% IF ( OPACAmazonCoverImages ) %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn ) %][% IF ( using_https ) %]<span title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" id="amazon-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"><img src="https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/P/[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %].01.TZZZZZZZ.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" /></span>[% ELSE %]<span title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" id="amazon-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"><img src="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %].01.TZZZZZZZ.jpg" alt="" class="thumbnail" /></span>[% END %][% ELSE %]<span class="no-image">No cover image available</span>[% END %][% END %] [% IF ( SyndeticsEnabled ) %] [% IF ( SyndeticsCoverImages ) %] [% IF SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %] [% IF ( using_https ) %] <span title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" id="syndetics-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"><img src="https://secure.syndetics.com/index.aspx?isbn=[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]/SC.GIF&amp;client=[% SyndeticsClientCode %]&amp;type=xw10&amp;upc=[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_upc %]&amp;oclc=[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_oclc %]" alt="" class="thumbnail" /></span>
# spent 2.76ms making 125 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 22µs/call # spent 659µs making 25 calls to Template::Iterator::AUTOLOAD, avg 26µs/call # spent 186µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 7µs/call
502100195µs [% ELSE %] <span title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" id="syndetics-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"><img src="http://www.syndetics.com/index.aspx?isbn=[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]/SC.GIF&amp;client=[% SyndeticsClientCode %]&amp;type=xw10&amp;upc=[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_upc %]&amp;oclc=[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_oclc %]" alt="" class="thumbnail" /></span>
5035084µs [% END %] [% ELSE %] <span class="no-image">No cover image available</span>
504125880µs75501µs [% END %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF ( GoogleJackets ) %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn ) %]<span style="block" title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber |url %]" class="[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]" id="gbs-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"></span>[% ELSE %]<span class="no-image">No cover image available</span>[% END %][% END %] [% IF OpenLibraryCovers %][% IF SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]<span style="block" title="[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]" class="[% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]" id="openlibrary-thumbnail[% loop.count %]"></span>[% ELSE %]<span class="no-image">No cover image available</span>[% END %][% END %] </a>
# spent 501µs making 75 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 7µs/call
50575598µs751.76ms [% IF ( BakerTaylorEnabled ) %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn ) %]<a href="https://[% BakerTaylorBookstoreURL |html %][% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]"><img alt="See Baker &amp; Taylor" src="[% BakerTaylorImageURL |html %][% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]" /></a>[% ELSE %]<span class="no-image">No cover image available</span>[% END %][% END %] [% IF ( IDreamBooksResults ) %][% IF ( SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn ) %]<div class="idbresult" style="display: none;">
# spent 1.01ms making 25 calls to Template::Context::filter, avg 41µs/call # spent 542µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 22µs/call # spent 203µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::undefined, avg 8µs/call
506 [% IF ( IDreamBooksReviews ) %] <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]#idb_critic_reviews">
5072547µs [% ELSE %] <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-detail.pl?biblionumber=[% SEARCH_RESULT.biblionumber %]">
50825606µs25330µs [% END %] [% SEARCH_RESULT.normalized_isbn %]</a></div>
# spent 330µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 13µs/call
50925388µs25153µs [% END %][% END %] </td>
# spent 153µs making 25 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 6µs/call
51025112µs25594µs </tr>
# spent 594µs making 25 calls to Template::Filters::url_filter, avg 24µs/call
511 [% END %] </table>
5122516µs </form>
51376119µs110µs <form id="hold_form" name="hold_form" method="get" action="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-reserve.pl">
# spent 10µs making 1 call to Template::Iterator::AUTOLOAD
5145148µs <!-- The value will be set by holdBiblioNums() in basket.js -->
51526184µs26555µs <input id="hold_form_biblios" type="hidden" name="biblionumbers" value=""/>
# spent 552µs making 25 calls to Template::Iterator::get_next, avg 22µs/call # spent 4µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
516 </form>
51727µs11µs </div>
# spent 1µs making 1 call to UNIVERSAL::isa
51829117µs55.68ms [% END %] <div id="bottom-pages">[% INCLUDE 'page-numbers.inc' %]</div>
# spent 5.55ms making 1 call to Template::Context::include # spent 101µs making 1 call to Template::Config::iterator # spent 23µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 6µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined # spent 5µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::set
520566µs554µs [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% IF ( suggestion ) %] [% IF ( AnonSuggestions ) %]<div class="suggestion">Not finding what you're looking for?<br /> Make a <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-suggestions.pl?op=add">purchase suggestion</a></div>[% ELSE %][% IF ( loggedinusername ) %]<div class="suggestion">Not finding what you're looking for?<br /> Make a <a href="/cgi-bin/koha/opac-suggestions.pl?op=add">purchase suggestion</a></div>[% END %][% END %] [% END %] </div>
# spent 46µs making 4 calls to Template::Stash::XS::get, avg 11µs/call # spent 8µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
# spent 25µs making 1 call to Template::Iterator::get_first
523213µs16µs [% IF ( opacfacets ) %] <div class="yui-b"><div id="facetcontainer" class="container">
# spent 6µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
524233µs118µs <!-- FACETS START -->
# spent 18µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::set
525270µs155.9ms [% INCLUDE 'opac-facets.inc' %]
# spent 55.9ms making 1 call to Template::Context::include
52637µs <!-- FACETS END -->
5282659µs17µs [% END %] </div>
# spent 7µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get
530[% IF ( LibraryThingForLibrariesID ) %] [% IF ( using_https ) %] <script src="https://ltfl.librarything.com/forlibraries/widget.js?id=[% LibraryThingForLibrariesID %]&amp;systype=koha" type="text/javascript"></script>
531[% ELSE %] <script src="http://ltfl.librarything.com/forlibraries/widget.js?id=[% LibraryThingForLibrariesID %]&amp;systype=koha" type="text/javascript"></script>
532295µs335.5ms[% END %] [% END %] [% INCLUDE 'opac-bottom.inc' %]
# spent 35.5ms making 1 call to Template::Context::include # spent 23µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::XS::get # spent 6µs making 1 call to Template::Stash::undefined
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